Articles in Journals

2021“A Counter-Monument to Female Victims of Wartime Rape: An Interview with Edit András by Susan Snodgrass.” Artmargins online, special issue (12/07/2021)
2020The Obscure Object of Desire: Is there any place for Eastern Europe on the Map of World Art or Global Art (History)?, August 2020,
2018“Von de Zukunft der Vergangenheit Künstlerisches Fortschrittsdenken und der Traum von einer aufgeklärten Gesellschaft.” Springerin, no.4. (2018) 44–47. / “From the Past’s Future to the Present: Dreaming of an Enlightened Society.” Springerin, no. 4. (2018)
„Man kann nicht zweimal in denselben Fluss steigen“– Freilich kann man das!
Von der Verwandlung einer (post-)sozialistischen in eine autoritär-nationalistische und autokratische Kunstinstitution.” Springerin, no. 3. (2018) /
“You Can’t Step Into the Same River Twice” – Sure Enough, You Can!
Transformation from a (Post-)Socialist Institution of Art into an Illiberal-Nationalist, Autocratic One.” Springerin, no. 3. (2018)
“An Evening with Chto Delat.” Springerin, no.1. (2018): 66–67.
2017“Orientációváltások a közép-kelet-európai művészetelméletben 1989 után: Nemzeti, regionális vagy globális művészettörténet (a posztszocializmus, posztkolonializmus vagy dekolonialitás jegyében?) [Changes in Orientations in Central-Eastern European art theory: National, Regional or Global Art History Writing (in the Framework of Postsocialism, Postcolonialism or decoloniality?”] Ars Hungarica, no. 4. (2017): 395–406
   “Renationalisierung in der ungarischen Kunst und Kultur.” Europaeische RundSchau: Vierteljahreszeitschift für Politik, Wirtschaft und Zeitgeschichte, 45. Jahrgang, no. 2. (2017): 85–94.
  “On Building Nations: Budapest, Hungary. Szabolcs KissPál in conversation with Edit András.” IBRAAZ. Contemporary Visual Culture in North Africa and the Middle East, 010, no. 15. (June 2017)
  “From the Coffee Grinder to Sputnik: The Culture of Objects and Woman in the service of Ideology”. Acta Historiae Artium, Tomus LVI, 297-306.  
  “Wer ist der Fremde, wer der Andere in der Postsoziaslistishen, Nationalistischen Ungarishen (Kunst-)Szene”? Springerin, Vienna, 2015/3. 28-35.  
 2015  “ImagiNaciones postsocialista Comunidades imaginados persolaes en le Europa Centrooriental: Private Nationalism Budapest.” Concreta, Valencia, (2015): 51–65.
“Wer ist der Fremde, wer der Andere in der Postsoziaslistishen, Nationalistischen Ungarishen (Kunst-)Szene?” Springerin, no. 3. (2015): 28–35. / „’They are so very different from us’: Who is the Stranger, who is the Other in the post-Socialist Nationalist Hungarian (art)scene?” Springerin, no. 3. (2015)
2014  “Vigorous Flagging in the Heart of Europe: The Hungarian Homeland under the Right-Wing Regime.” E-flux journal,  no. 57. (Sept. 2014)
  “Hungary‒A Post-Socialist Conflict Zone. A report from Hungary. The Brooklyn Rail. Critical Perspectives on Arts, Politics and Culture.” Special Issue on the State of Art Criticism in Europe, (May 2014) 66.
  “Férfias nemzet, férfias háború, férfias művészet: Maszkulinitás és nacionalizmus (Kis Varsó: Lélekben tomboló háború).” [Masculine nation, masculine war, masculine art: Nationalism and Masculinity. (Little Warsaw: The Battle of Inner Truth)]” Ars Hungarica, no. 3. (2013): 318-333. 
  “Hungary in Focus: Conservative Politics and Its Impact on the Arts. Introduction.” A Forum.  Artmargins Online,
  “Provincializing the West: Interview with Piotr Piotrowski”, Artmargins online, 2012.
 2011 “Wessen Nostalgie ist die Ostalgie? Eine Überblicksausstellung zur Kunst Osteuropas und der ehemaligen Sowjetrepubliken im New Museum, New York.” Springerin, no. 4.  (2011): 54–7. / “Whose nostalgia is Ostalgia?
An Eastern Europe and Former Soviet Republics survey exhibition in the New Museum, New York.” Springerin, no. 4.  (2011)
  “Călătorie îtrecut, în folosul prezentului.” Arta, no. 2-3. (2011):14-15.
  “Positia fostului bloc estic în naile teorii critice si în practicile curatoriale recente / The ex-Eastern bloc’s position in the new critical theorial practice.” IDEA. artă + societate/ arts + society, no. 40. (2011): 79-95.  
 2010 (co-authored with Hedvig Turai) “Meta-Manifesta.” IDEA. artă + societate/ arts + society, no. 36-37. (2010) 97-106. 
  “Public monuments in Changing Societies.” Ars (Journal of the Institute of Art History of Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava), no. 43. (2010): 39-50. 
  “Focus issue Hungary. Artmargins takes a snapshot of the Hungarian Art Scene.” Guest edited with Allan Siegel and Hedvig Turai. Artmargins. Contemporary Central & East European Visual Culture.
  “Interview with Gábor Andrási.” Artmargins. Contemporary Central & East European Visual Culture.
  “Die Nationalismusfrage ist unausweiclich zur Künstlerishen Auseinandersetzung mit rechten Tendenzen in den ehemaligen Ostblockstaate am Beispiel Ungarns.” Springerin, no.3. (2010): 32–6. / “The Unavoidable Question of Nationalism.” Springerin, no.3. (2010)
  “Lineaarse kunstiajaloo aeg on otsas. Ungari kunstiteoreetiku ja –ajaloolasega Edit Andrásiga vestleb Reet Varblane.” SIRP. Eesti Kultuurleht, Tallinn, (May 28. 2010): 12-13.
  “Tapestry from an Art Historian’s Point of View: A Personal Journey of Discovery.” Textileforum, no. 2. (2010): 24.
  “Dog Eat Dog: Who is in charge of Controlling Art in the Post-Socialist Condition?” Third Text. Critical Perspectives on Contemporary Art & Culture. Socialist Eastern Europe. Special issue, edited Reuben Fowkes. Volume 23, no.1. (January 2010): 65−78. 
 2008 Co-authored with Hedvig Turai, “Manifestarea postpoliticului. Manifestations of the Post/Political.” Idea. Artă + societate / arts + society, (Cluj Napoca), no. 30−31, (2008): 129−137. 
  “Nachwirkungen. Das Trauma der kollektiven Erinnerung an die sozialistische Vergangenheit.” Springerin, no. 3. (2008): 47–51. / “An agent still at work: The Trauma of Collective Memory of the Socialist Past.” Springerin, no. 3. (2008)
 2006 “Was war zuerst da, das Huhn oder das Ei? Das gespannte Verhältnis der zeitgenössischen ungarischen Kunst zur Theorie.” Springerin, no. 2. (2006): … / “What came First, the Chicken or the Egg? Contemporary Art practice and Theory in Hungary.” Springerin, no. 2. (2006)
 2005 “In und auserhalb von Budapest. Zu den Projekten des ungarishen Künstlerduos Little Warsaw.” Springerin, no. 2. (2005): 40–44. / “In and out of Budapest. The Projects of the Hungarian Artist Duo Little Warsaw.” Springerin, no. 2. (2005) 
2004 “Bursting the bubble of forgetting: Exhibition of Mária Berhidi, Mariann Imre and Ilona Lovas in the Institute of Contemporary Art.” Praesans, no.1. (2004): 54-69 
2003  “The Curator as Seducer: Contemporary Polish (Women) Artists in New York.” Praesens [Budapest], no. 2. (2003): 10-19 .
  “The Vitality of Hungarian Tapestry.” International Tapestry Journal [Melbourne, Australia], no.1. (2003): 14-18. 
  “Dmitri V. Sarabianov and Natalia L. Adaskina: Popova.” [Book review]  Acta Historiae Artium [Budapest], Hung. T. 35. 
1999 “GenderMinefiled: The Heritage of the Past, Attitudes to Feminism in Eastern Europe.” n.paradoxa online, no. 11. (Oct. 1999): 4–9.